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LO Congress statement on democracy

Kongress LO has always been a driving force for freedom and democracy. For us, silence is not an option. Through trade union organisation and opinion-forming, we will strengthen democracy and stand up for trade union and other human rights in all contexts.

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Across the world, democracy is under severe pressure. For the first time in over two decades, authoritarian regimes now outnumber democracies. Even within the EU, parties that question basic democratic values are part of governments in more and more countries. In our own country, the right-wing governs together with a party that has its roots in neo-Nazism.

Far-right forces are also undermining democracy by dividing and spreading mistrust between people. For example, it was recently revealed that the Sweden Democrats have a deliberate strategy of using anonymous social media accounts to spread disinformation and hatred against both political opponents and minority groups.

Attacks on democracy are also strongly linked to attacks on trade unions. The latest annual report of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) shows that more and more countries are violating trade union rights, such as the right to organise, to bargain collectively and to strike. This is not surprising. Trade unions are a democratic movement. Forces that want to damage democracy have always seen free trade union organisations as a threat.

LO has always been a driving force for freedom and democracy. We will continue to be so.

For us, silence is not an option. Through trade union organisation and opinion-forming, we will strengthen democracy by always standing up against anti-democratic forces, for trade union and other human rights in all contexts.