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Realizing Decent Work in the Platform Economy

Remissyttrande TCO, Saco, and LO have been given the opportunity to respond to the questionnaire on the ILO report on "Realizing Decent Work in the Platform Economy."

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From the workers' perspective, we see the need to ensure that no worker is exploited or excluded from the safety net that should be in place for all workers according to the five fundamental principles and rights at work. Relevant parts to ensure this protection are highlighted in the report and also in the survey. However, we see a risk with certain recurring formulations, one of which concerns "other organizations representing workers."

We want to emphasize that the model of social partners, which constitutes the foundation of ILO, namely employer organizations, worker organizations, and governments are the ones to be mentioned. Therefore, we see the need to clearly highlight and remind the ILO of this model in our response and demand that all references to other organizations to be removed from the survey.

Maintaining and promoting our well-functioning model of social partners, which, through semi-mandatory national legislation, gives social partners the ability to negotiate collective agreements well adapted to the needs and opportunities of different sectors, is of utmost importance to the Swedish trade union movement.

Linda Larsson, LO
Elise-Marie Donovan, TCO
Sophie Silverryd, Saco

Annex 1: completed questionnaire (pdf)